Sunday, August 15, 2010

Therape Me

Therapy in one form or another was a reoccurring event for me. As a problem child I was theraped by many. This resulted in labels. ADHD, LD, PTSD, PD, and lots of other letters. They labeled me so many things that my medical files gave the impression that I had sponsorship from the APA (American Psychiatric Association) like a nascar (SP). Treatment included a host of psychotropic drugs, family, group, and individual sessions, hypnosis, psychological referrals from school, and inpatient treatment. The silver in that was finding I wasn't so much slow LD as had an IQ between 135 and 165 depending on which time they tested me. The school system that shall remain nameless, marked me as LD and put me in basic reading, basic math, and curved everything for a child who was what they now call special ed. All of this was supposed to fix me. Needless to say, it did not acclimate me or make me into what was considered normal but it did teach me how to fake it.

As a young adult I repeated the cycle thinking, clearly I needed someone to look up from their notepad, over their glasses and say to me "and how did that make you feel". The majority never had a clue what to do with me. Terms like conform, social standards, and adapt were common from most. None of that made sense to me. My thought process seems perfectly logical. Nothing in my thinking made me act out deviance. Nothing made me a danger to myself or others. Nothing about how my mind worked did anything wrong other than question and try to understand things. So why was it wrong? I gave up on shrinks for some time after that.

In my early 30s doctors treating a pain issue suggested I talk to someone to help me through the whole living with chronic pain thing. Figuring this might also be another chance to find someone who could explain why I didn't work the right way, I made some calls.

For anyone who hasn't be theraped, let me tell you, if you weren't crazy when you went in, after they put you through the ringer to try to figure out what kind of crazy you are.. you will be. I understand that there is a process and they have procedures but this is not my first rodeo and I know the drill. Shrinking me is what I have done best over the years so I can pretty much go in and say. This is what I I work.. what do you think. They don't like that. Evaluation is what they call it.. but when it was done, for the first time I sat in a room with a person who got me.

After a few times of working through my history and the mess that is, she told me I was not wrong or broken. Thinking differently was not crazy. An inability to understand the evils of humanity was not a malfunction in me but an ability to think about things on a different level. From a different place. No one can say it's the IQ that flips a switch or life experiences. They don't know if it's found more in one kind of person or another or if it just me and some strange dude in some other town, or if half of the populous thinks this way but is told it's not normal. It just is what it is.

This therapist was so solid and strong it made me want to believe what she said. She had traveled and studied with Yogis, Monks, spiritualist, and she was open to everything. I had no idea that some of our spiritual leaders, inventors, scientist, etc were different thinkers. Abnormal. Crazy. Broken. The crazy ones, as Apple would say. By no means am I saying that I'm even close to being as special as these people but to know that many of them shared my labels makes it easier to have worn them.

Abnormality is not a problem for me. Now I embrace the oddity of how I work. Life is lived by my terms. I strive for understanding and enlightenment, to know who we are, where we come from, where we are headed. People are complicated, fascinating creatures. While I do not socialize as much due to my process, I do like to observe. (not in a creeper way) I have everything I need from people and prefer to keep the majority of them at a distance. It is far too much strain to have to constantly explain my questions or comments and my "but that is illogical"s.

Largely my life consists of Jase, my best friend and love, our 4 kids, and a few select family members and friends who dig me for my oddities not despite them. For those of you who said I would never be right, that I would never be able function without medication, for those who said I would never be anything more than crazy, well, my kids are all the most well adjusted, kindest, most loving, and compassionate people I have ever met. It amazes me every day that I didn't screw them up but, I didn't. I am also in a very happy relationship. We just genuinely like each other. (crazy I know) After over 10 years, I think we are closer. Maybe you should think more like I do.    


  1. I love you for your "oddities." I prefer it actually. I'm so tired of people thinking that because one has biases, judgements, incriminations, etc. that means you are "normal." Not realizing that your judgements are hypocritical and just downright mean is what is abnormal. You? You may not be "normal" as other people see it. But I think that if more people were like you, we wouldn't have so much crap in the world. Just my opinion of course. :)

  2. awe you want me :P hee hee just kidding. Thanks jules.. but I have to admit, might be more frightening if everyone was like me LOL

  3. Well maybe more frightening but a hell of a lot more fun.

    WAIT! Who told you I want you?? They were just... umm.. kidding. Really. I'm all about the penis. Penis penis penis penis penis.


  4. yeah I don't have one of those :)
